Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Another Milestone

On May 2nd, Ava Holt had a very big girl moment. She got to sit in a grocery store shopping cart all by herself for the first time. After spending 15 minutes in the Commissary parking lot trying to figure out how to put the shopping cart cover on the buggy (not to mention being honked at by a retiree--I didn't realize at the time that I was standing in the middle of a front row parking spot while trying to put the cover on the buggy), we finally made it into the store. I've seen people shop with the protective covers on their carts before and I thought they were a good idea, but once I put Ava into the cart, I completely understood why parents use them. They are a fantastic invention and make me feel much better about Ava not getting covered in other peoples' icky germs and random dirt. Thanks to Diane and Jerry, who gave this to us when Ava was born, Ava was able to shop with me not only in safety but also in style--the cover is so incredibly cute!

Here is Ava's reaction to being placed in the grocery cart for the 1st time with her cover (it's so soft and cuddly)...

Although this isn't the best picture, it shows Ava hanging off the side of the cart trying to observe everything...

We finally made it inside and Ava was just flirting up a storm with any and every person who walked by her. Not only was this the first time she got to sit in the buggy, it was also her first time to really see the inside of the grocery store (she's usually in her carseat facing me). So, as you can see, she's enthralled with everything she sees.

Ava spent a lot of the shopping trip in this position...

I brought her pacifier and a toy to play with for the ride...
I had to remind her that she wasn't driving a chariot, a stagecoach, or a sleigh...
The papayas were overwhelming...
Here she is taking a break from the sensory overload...

She's obviously holding the fort down and making sure that everyone knows it's her cart...

And finally, a smile...

The grocery cart was great, but I think Ava's still a bit too small to ride in it. Size wise, she's fine...but stamina wise, she's still too young. About half-way through the shopping trip she was wanting to go to sleep but sitting up in the cart wasn't conducive to letting that to happen. So, she whinged a bit and our shopping trip was cut a little short. As soon as I put her in her car seat in the car, she was conked out (it was also her nap time--oops!). In addition to her stamina being low, it was also harder to shop with Ava in the cart. EVERY single person who we walked by, Ava smiled at and or flirted with...which turned into people wanting to talk to her and touch her (YUCK!), which in turned really slowed down our shopping abilities.

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