Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Aunt Casey's In Town

Friday, May 9th, Ava's Aunt Casey (Matt's sister) came to town. Ava was so excited to see her Aunt Casey and she had several tricks up her sleeve that she couldn't wait to show her. Ava hadn't seen her Aunt Casey since Christmas, so seeing her once again was a whole new experience. At Christmas, Ava was just an immobile little baby...but now, she's an active 'big' girl.

While here, Casey was able to feed Ava several meals like carrots, sweet taters, apples, and pears and was even able to feed Ava a new food for the first time (acorn squash). Casey also got to feed Ava solid foods for 'breakfast' and 'lunch' for the first time (Ava usually only eats solids at dinnertime) which Ava was very appreciative.

In addition to the mealtime firsts, Casey also got to partake in our first crib lowering. On Mother's Day, Ava decided to stand up in her crib for the first time. Since the crib was set at the highest setting, Ava's new trick of standing up really posed a safety danger, as she could have easily fallen out of the crib. So, Matt and Casey got the pleasure of taking the crib apart and lowering it. It was quite a task undoing all the screws and then putting them back in, but they managed to get the crib lowered to a safer position (it's now on the next to lowest setting).

Unfortunately, Matt had to leave on Monday for a TDY to Florida, but Casey, Ava, and I had a great time venturing out and about in Vegas. The Wheel of Fortune machines weren't looking in our favor though, as we only got to spin a handful of times between the two of us and we ended up losing a few dollars along the way! Bummer!

Despite the bad luck at Wheel of Fortune, we had a wonderful time having Casey in town. Thanks so much Casey for coming to see us! Ava loved being able to spend time with you (and she loves her stacking cups and book!) and can't wait to see you again.

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