Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Only A Flesh Wound...

From all of Ava's attempts at crawling last week, she developed a big blister on her left big toe. I didn't think anything of it until Casey, Matt's sister, was here visiting us over the weekend. She saw Ava's toe and made the comment about it being the first time she had seen anything like it. So, once she said that the blister was a bit unique, I had to take some pictures. I apologize for the quality of the photos. It's just so hard to get a good shot of blistered toes!

If you've been looking at Ava in the posts over the past week or so, you've probably noticed that she likes to stick her bum in the air and she does baby push ups when she tries to crawl (think downward facing dog and plank--yoga poses). I guess that since she has been doing those so much lately, she's rubbed her big toe raw and caused a blister.

Here's what her toe looks like now that it's starting to heal.
Well...tonight I noticed that the poor girl has now rubbed her other big toe (this time it's on her right big toe) raw and there's now a blister starting to form (in the pictures, it's the shiny spot on the bottom of her toe--it's hard to see). She doesn't seem to be in any pain from the blisters, as she keeps moving around and contorting her body into crazy positions, so I guess they're only flesh wounds.

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