Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Around the week of May 11th when Ava started to crawl, she also started to sit up on her own. I guess the two (crawling and sitting) go hand in hand for her, so as soon as she figured out how to crawl, she figured out how to sit. We really noticed her new ability to sit up on her own on May 13th. She started off on her tummy and moved to a sitting position by twisting her body, bending one of her knees, extending her opposite leg, and then throwing her lower body over to the side with the bended knee. It was quite amazing to watch (I'm sure all parents think their kids' new feats are all amazing) and we were so proud of her. Watching Ava learn something new is always so fun, as you can look into her eyes and see her brain working 150 miles per hour.

Here is a clip of Ava moving to a sitting position all by herself. This marked the beginning of Ava's countless daily routines of crawling, sitting, crawling, sitting, crawling, sitting...

In three short weeks, Ava's mastered her sitting down skills quite well. As much as she keeps us on her toes, she does manage to crawl about and then sit down to entertain herself with whatever she finds amusing at the time. It's been quite a gift to not have to sit her up all the time like we used to have to do before she could do it on her own.

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