Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Baby Garrison's FIRST headshot

ACTUAL ultrasound picture
EDITED ultrasound picture (for those of you who have no idea what you're looking at)
Here's Baby G's FIRST head shot. It was taken last Thursday, August 16th at my 28 week visit (and last visit with the German Krankenhaus). She didn't want to have her picture taken during the appointment, so this is the best picture the DR was able to get of her (the others were really really bad--either her hands were covering her face or her head was resting on the placenta, which is bad for ultrasound photos). Anyhow, the best thing is that she is healthy and growing according to schedule. Across the board, her growth is pretty average for her age, so we're happy with that (I'd rather hear that her size is average for her age instead of too big or too small!).

Baby Garrison is doing great and is still kicking and squirming around. I'm still feeling great, so that's a blessing, especially with us flying home in a week. Other than this new head shot, there's not really anything new to report...which is a good thing. We just can't wait to meet her!