Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Air Force Ball

We had made it 2 years without having to go to the Air Force Ball, but this year we weren't able to miss it. The squadron made a big push to the Ball, so in good fashion, we got all dressed up and joined in on the 'fun.' The speaker was actually the best part of the ball--he was a POW in Vietnam for 7 years and a Medal of Honor recipient. The buzz kill for the evening was Wyatt getting kicked out of the Ball. As you can see in the picture, Wyatt wore a Hawk bow-tie...and some enlisted punk went to the Vice Wing Commander and told him that Wyatt was out of protocol. So subsequently, the Vice Wing Commander 'excused' Wyatt from the remainder of the Ball. All 30 of us contemplated leaving with him, but decided to stay in order to hear the speaker. It was a stupid call on the leadership's part and even our Squadron Commander was outraged by the action taken. In the end, the night made for a good story and we all joke about it still.

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