Monday, May 21, 2007

Vienna, Austria... not the home of the Vienna Sausages that come in a gelatinous jar of goo (contrary to popular belief).

However, it is home to the 3rd marathon that Matt and I have run in while in Europe. Like crazed animals, Matt and I decided that it would be a good idea to run another marathon before we left Europe this year and given that April has become our 'marathon month' (the previous two were both in April), we figured we'd look for a race that fell during that month. Well, Vienna fit our criteria and along with 14 other people, we signed up. I only signed up for the half (since the two full marathons wore me out) and Matt signed up for the full (the rest of the group was mixed between the half and the full).

The day of the marathon was incredibly HOT, so none of the group really had personal best runs...but everyone finished, which is a feat in and of itself. Matt got a bit of 'heat stress,' since it was so hot out, but he ended up recovering without any medical aid. The picture on the right is of Matt at the 10km point. Below is a cute picture of one of the other runner's daughter, Myka, playing nurse to poor Matt after the race.

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