Thursday, August 02, 2007

We've Got NEWS!!!

Well...on Thursday, July 19th (yes, I know, that was a LONG time ago!), Matt and I found out that we are having a little GIRL! That's right, a G-I-R-L! We are both so incredibly excited and can't wait to meet our daughter in a few months. We'll have to explain to her someday that we referred to her as a 'he' for 6 months of her life, but I don't think she'll mind!

Our little munchkin is moving around all the time and is apparently nocturnal, as she's the most active at night when we're trying to fall asleep. She loves kicking me to let me know that's she's doing okay and Matt and I are still in awe each time she kicks and my stomach jumps. That has been one of the coolest things we've ever experienced.

The shopping hasn't completely begun yet, but don't worry...I'm getting my bearings for all the fun girl things out there. We've already ordered Baby G's car seat and pram here in Germany and are anxiously awaiting their arrival. Hopefully they'll get in before we leave (I'm seriously crossing my fingers). We only had to put a deposit down when we ordered them and don't have to pay for them until we pick them up, so Matt's dreading that bill already. I told him that this is only the beginning :).

Matt's really thrilled to have a baby girl and he's already wrapped around her little finger...and he says that he's going to be the 'disciplinarian'--yeah right. We're just starting to think about names now that we know she's a girl (Matt has three inputs thus far 'no,' 'that's horrible,' and 'that's weird'), but I think it's going to take us a while to find a name. I need to go buy a baby name book and get serious about it, but I'm hoping a name will just come to us without us getting all neurotic about it.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update the blog. We've just been so busy lately and are in the process of moving out of our house. I'll fill you in on the past month as soon as I get a chance to breathe--hopefully that will be sometime next week! Until then...thanks for your patience.

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