Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hiking Mount Charleston

On Friday, May 23rd, Matt had the day off (it was a 'Family Day' for the Memorial Day weekend), so he and two friends, Bohdi and Wedge, decided to go hike Mount Charleston. Bohdi needed to hike the mountain that day for his training schedule (he's going to go climb Mt. Ranier in early June), so Matt and Wedge went with him. The weather wasn't the greatest at our house that day, but the guys were going to hike rain or shine. They only assumed that there would be rain up on the mountain, but it ended up that in addition to the rain, there was also snow--and LOTS of it.

Matt said that he would be done in the early afternoon (they left the house at 6am sharp) but the hike ended up taking 10 straight hours (6 hours up and 4 hours down). I started getting worried about him at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, as I hadn't heard from him yet. At 6:30pm, I finally got a text message from him saying that they were getting into the car to come home.

When Bohdi's truck pulled into the driveway, it was still covered in snow. All three guys were shiverring, cold, wet, and tired. Once I saw these pictures I got a bit mad at Matt, as they should have turned around when it started to snow (logic would tell you to do that). Had they not had a GPS (because the trails got covered in 6 inches of snow) or had it snowed a bit more, they could have gotten stranded up on the mountain. But, they had their manhood's to defend. I'm just glad they all made it back home safely...although Wedge still hasn't regained feeling in one of his hands.
The ascent...

(Left to right: Wedge, Bohdi, and Matt)

Almost to the top...

After 6 straight hours of hiking uphill, they made it to the top...

Time to descend...but where's the trail?

The trail is around here somewhere...

Ava Holt was waiting in the driveway for her Daddy when he got home. She was sad that he was gone all day and couldn't wait to play with him. Since Matt was half frozen, Ava Holt got to play with her Daddy while taking a nice hot bath to help him thaw out.

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