Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sopot, Poland

(this picture makes me look more preggers than I really was at the time!)

For Memorial Day weekend, Matt and I (along with about 16 other people from our squadron) went to the beach in Sopot, Poland. I didn't really know that there was a beach in Poland, but there is. Sopot sits up on the far northern coast of Poland on the Baltic Sea and is a huge European summer destination. Since it was only the end of May, there weren't too many tourists, so the beach wasn't too crowded. We really lucked out with the weather, as it was beautiful, sunny, and in the mid-high 70s the whole time we where there. To no one's surprise, it rained that entire weekend in Germany, so we didn't miss anything back home.

Matt and I had a fantastic weekend in Sopot. Being the beach bum that I am, I loved just sitting in the sun reading and Matt had a fun time hanging out with the rest of the group at the beach. When we weren't at the beach, we were taking in the luxuries of our hotel. The person who booked our hotel, Mehow, is best friends with Boose (a guy in Matt's flight and a friend of ours) and just happens to be Polish. Mehow moved to Boston when he was 6 and grew up in America (which is how he met Boose). After college four years ago, he moved back to Poland to teach English and be near family. Well, due to the fact that Poland isn't that far from Germany, Mehow has come to visit Boose a few times and has managed to come along on trips with everyone in the squadron. So, all of us are thus friends with Mehow--which was the main reason we all went to Poland for the weekend--to see Mehow.

Anyhow, Mehow booked our hotel for us and it was AMAZING. We pulled up to the hotel in our party bus and all of us were in shock, as our hotel was a 5-star luxury hotel that sat on the beach. It was AWESOME! We all had ocean view rooms, the beds were so comfortable, plus there was A/C. Here are some pictures of the outside of our hotel and the view of the beach from our room.

Before the trip, the guys had designated Saturday night as 'Money Night.' So, the guys had to wear suits and ties, the girls had to wear cocktail dresses, and we were to go out to dinner at a really nice restaurant and then go to the casinos afterwards. Since Matt's and my idea of fun has drastically changed in the past few months, we never made it to the casino at 1am, but we had a great evening with all the guys. Here's a picture of the group that was taken in front of our hotel on 'Money Night.' It was really a lot of fun to have everyone dressed up and looking sophisticated for the night.

We had a great relaxing weekend in Sopot and managed to get a light tan as well!

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