Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tummy Time

Since birth, Ava has loved being on her tummy. We used to let her nap on her tummy when she was a newborn because she slept so much better (and longer) than when she was on her back. Don't worry, we always supervised her while she was sleeping on her tummy! Well, I guess it's a good thing that she loves her tummy because she has developed such great back and neck muscles from all the time she's spent on it. If we place her on her back to play on the floor or on her back to sleep in her crib, she'll roll over to her tummy to play or sleep. Then, she low-crawls military style to get where she wants to go (usually some place perpendicular to where she is at the moment). You can put her down on her back facing one direction and within seconds, she's rolled over onto her tummy facing the complete opposite direction. We don't know how she does it!

Oh, in addition to being on her tummy, Ava's learned how to make faces and expressions with her mouth. Her current favorites are:

1) sucking in her bottom lip
2) sucking in both of her lips
3) making a pucker with her lips
4) staring blankly at the camera with her 'Matt' (aka 'I'm too cool for this picture') face

She's such a goober!

Here are some pictures of Ava playing on her tummy just looking around to see what everyone else is doing (you can see her new favorite facial expressions in some of them)...

1 comment:

Allenfamilyadventure said...

Happy Five Month Birthday AVA!! We can't believe how big you're getting!!