Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Flora and Fauna

Lately, while on our walks, Matt has been getting Ava out of her pram to touch and feel the trees and bushes (of course, only the okay ones). He started doing it one day because Ava had laid her head down on the side of the pram and just stared at the trees and bushes as he walked. Well, ever since he started getting her out of her pram to touch and see the trees and bushes, Ava has loved it. Here are some pictures of Ava while on our walk. Some are of her sitting on her Daddy's shoulders and some are of her touching some new trees and bushes (ones that aren't on our usual walk). She actually tried to put the leaves in her mouth, so there's one picture with some flora and fauna in her face. She's still alive, so the leaves must not have been poisonous.

Here's a pretty bush...

As much as Ava loves to touch the leaves with her hands, she also loves to feel the leaves with her feet. She's so funny...she'll stretch her little legs out to touch the leaves with her toes!

Now for some trees...

Ava trying to eat the leaves off the branch...
On to another bush...

1 comment:

Casey Garrison said...

She's so cute! I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!