Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ava Rolling Over

Well, today I was able to get Ava rolling over on camera. I was so excited, as I have never actually seen her roll over, much less been able to catch it on film. She tends to roll over when my back is turned or when I'm cooking dinner and not staring at her. Matt has seen her roll over multiple times, but I've only been able to catch her either before or after the roll. Anyhow, here is the footage I took today of Ava rolling from her back to her tummy. She actually rolled over again after I took this footage (but it was from her back to her tummy then to her back again) but I didn't have the camera in hand to film it. The clip is pretty long, as I just knew that she was going to flip onto her back again...but she decided to wait and flip back over right after I pushed the 'stop' button! Figures...she is Matt's and my child afterall.

Hope you enjoy the clip!

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