Monday, March 10, 2008

Ava's 4 month Apppointment

Today Ava and I went to see her pediatrician for her 4-month well-baby exam. Unfortunately, in addition to the pediatrician, we also had to go visit the immunizations clinic for her 4-month shots (there's 5 immunizations that she had to get). As always, Ava was such a brave little monkey for the entire visit to both clinics in the hospital. At the immunizations clinic, she was so good that she got not one, but two stickers--a "I was brave when I got my shot" sticker and a purple puppy sticker. Here are some pictures of her getting her shots...

Here she is with her 'Brave' sticker and her puppy dog sticker she picked out at the immunizations clinic...
Here are her 'battle scars'...
Ava now weighs 16 lbs, 2 ounces and is 25.75 inches long and her head is 17 inches in circumference. From her last well-baby exam when she was 2 months old, she has really lengthened out a lot and her weight gain has started to slow down. At her 2-month well-baby appointment, she was in the 95th percentile for her weight (13 lbs, 5.1 oz), in the 75th percentile for her length (23 inches), and in the 75th percentile for her head circumference. Now, she's dropped down to the 90th percentile for her weight, gone up to the 90th percentile for her length, and gone up to the 95th percentile for her head circumference. As you can see, she's growing like a weed!

For the past week or so she's started to teethe, so our sweet little cupcake
has been more like sour lemonade. Matt and I both feel so sorry for her, but know that this first bit of teething should hopefully be over soon. The pediatrician ok'd Infant's Tylenol and teething tablets, so tomorrow Ava and I are going to go hunt the teething tablets down at the pharmacy.

Ava truly amazes Matt and me each day with something new that she's learned to do. All day today she's rolled over (even in her crib during her nap and on the exam table at the pediatrician's office) and she surprised me with a new trick...she's learned how to kick the different buttons on her crib mobile to change the music from Mozart to Beethoven! I thought it was a fluke the first time she did it but then she kept doing it over and over again! Below are pictures of her little foot hitting the buttons on her crib mobile and of her on her tummy after rolling over while napping in her crib. She's a silly but undeniably wonderful little girl. She still is the center of our universe.

Here's another clip of Ava rolling over. I took it this morning while she was playing on her playmat (before going to the DR and getting her shots!).

Here's another video of Ava rolling over. This time she can't decide if she wants to hold on to her toys or roll over. Gravity wins and she rolls over. She's just so cute!

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