Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ava's FIRST trip to the ER

Well, Ava started rolling over a few weeks ago, but her first major roll-over two weeks ago ended up with us taking a trip to the ER. Matt was gone to Virginia Beach and I was trying to fold some laundry in the living room while Ava was napping on the couch. Well, she woke up and flopped right off the couch (from tummy to back). I didn't see it happen (I was about 10 feet away) but heard it as she immediately started screaming. Of course, I freaked out and called the pediatrician within seconds of her falling off the couch--who told us to go to the closest ER since she was so young. So, I picked up Ava (I asked the pediatrician if I could pick her up since I was afraid to touch her in case she had any spinal injuries), put her in her carseat, and headed to the closest ER (all while sobbing hysterically on the phone to Matt), which was at a brand new hospital that opened in January called, Centennial Hills Medical Center.

Ava was admitted to the ER and after a quick exam by a triage nurse named Cassie and the ER doctor, Dr. Houston(she weighed about 16 pounds with her clothes on!), she was scheduled for a cat scan to ensure that there wasn't any head trauma that wasn't visible since she hit the back of her head when she fell. All the nurses and Dr. Houston ensured me that I wasn't the first mother to have her child fall off a couch and that it wouldn't be the last time it would ever happen. Their words were comforting but they didn't take away the guilt I felt and the heaviness of my heart. Seeing my little girl in pain (and scared) just about killed me.

Ava did so great and layed perfectly still in the cat scan machine, so they only had to make her do it once--the nursing staff was pleasantly surprised.

It ends up that Ava was perfectly fine and she survived the fall without any bumps or bruises. When she fell, her head hit the yoga ball, so that broke most of her fall, which was a blessing. Regardless, I was an emotional wreck the entire night and kept thinking Child Protective Services was going to take her away from me.

Ava probably doesn't even know she ever fell and she'll only know about it from the story I have to tell her when she's older. At almost 4 months, she's already got Matt and me beat...neither of us have ever had a cat scan!

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