Friday, May 30, 2008

6-Month Shots

On May 22nd, I took Ava to get her 6-month shots. I hadn't really given her a pep talk for the shots like I usually do, so I think they caught her off guard. When we went for her 6-month well-baby visit on May 2nd, we were a week too early to get her shots (since her 4-month visit and shots were on the 10th of March, we had to wait until the 10th of May to get her 6-month shots). Anyhow, here are some pictures of our brave little girl getting her horrible shots. The one perk from the shots this time is that I got to administer the oral vaccine (it has the Rotavirus and some other vaccine in it). Ava Holt has never had a problem with other people giving the vaccines to her, but I thought it was nice that they asked me to do it. It's not like I won the lottery or Wheel of Fortune jackpot, but hey, it was a 'monumental' day for me as a mommy.

As always, Ava did so well with her shots. She did cry when they stuck her legs with the needles though. I think that as she gets older the shots get worse...since she is more alert and knows what's going on. I remember crying when Ava received her first shots and she didn't even really shed a tear. Anyhow, because of her alertness, I actually gave her her sucker (aka nummy, dummy, or pacifier in our house) to help soothe her during the shots. I don't think it did much good, as the pain of the pricks over-ruled any possible dummy soothing...but I thought I would give it a try. Once both shots were administered, I got to pick Ava up and give her a cuddle...and the tears quickly vanished. It's amazing what a parent's cuddle will do for a child.

As with every visit to the immunizations clinic thus far, Ava Holt got to pick out some bravery stickers. However, this time Ava actually picked out and picked up the sticker of her choice (as apparent by the sticker that she chose--I wouldn't have picked it out!). The immunizations tech handed Ava a basket filled with stickers and she actually stuck her hand inside the basket and felt the different stickers. Since she now has a pretty good pincer grasp, Ava picked up the sticker that she wanted all by herself. And of course, she got the 'Brave' sticker that she gets each visit. Here's Ava showing off her new 'battle wounds' and her prized 'booty' that she got for being so brave (her stickers)...

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