Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sorry For The Sabbatical

I apologize for the lack of upkeep on the blog over the past few weeks. Matt's sister, Casey, came to visit us for a long weekend and then the day after she left, Ava and I took a last minute trip to TN to surprise my mom for Mother's Day on the 14th (it wasn't much of a surprise though, as my mom called the airlines ahead of time to see if we were on the flight--she is a surprise pooper!). Since returning home on the 19th, we've been really busy with everyday life and the Memorial Day weekend. I've been meaning to put some posts on the blog but haven't had the time to do it. There has been so much going on in our lives since the last post, so you'll have to forgive me for the overload of posts to come. Ava has changed so much in the past few weeks and she continues to change each day. Please keep checking the blog to see some updates on what we've been up to since the beginning of the month!

Thanks for your patience...

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