Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby Einstein on Steroids

Last week we let Ava watch one of her Baby Einstein DVDs on our new TV for the first time. Since getting our new TV, she has LOVED watching everything on the big screen (our new TV is almost twice the size of our old one). Pictures and colors on any TV have always fascinated her so much, so with our new TV, it's like sensory overload. Anyhow, while she was playing with her toys one afternoon, we decided to put in one of her learning DVDs to have on in the background. Well, as soon as the DVD started, she was mesmerized. She stopped what she was doing and just sat there in awe of the animals on the screen. Here she is watching Baby Einstein on steroids...

As you can see, our living room has been overtaken by toys...but, we wouldn't want it any other way. Just seeing them each day makes us smile because they bring so much joy to little Ava's life.

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