Over the past 2 weeks, Ava has really been trying to crawl. What we thought were great efforts last week have been overshadowed by even better efforts this week. This week, Ava has learned to support herself on all fours for a good amount of time and has even pushed off her knees onto her toes (think downward facing dog in yoga). Both Matt and I can't wait for her to start crawling, but at the same time I have come to enjoy my bits of free time to do laundry, clean the house, take a shower, update the blog, etc. I know that as soon as she starts crawling, I will no longer have those short bits of freedom (for example, right now I can sit her down with her toys and she will play with them for about 30 minutes). I keep reminding Matt that he isn't the one who will be at home chasing Ava around the house trying to get her out of things all day. Speaking of, I also told Matt that we'll need to start child-proofing everything in the house that's below knee level!
Here are some pictures that I took of Ava this morning while she was playing with her toys. We opened up her Learning Table to see if she would try to pull herself up to a standing position, but we never attached the legs to the table top. That was because she was so excited to play with the table top while sitting on the floor. She loved making the bowl in the middle of the table move and she was quite a fan of the fruit plate on the corner.
Ava's sing-along stage was put away once we gave her the table and she seems to have forgotten that it ever existed. Maybe in a few weeks we'll attach the legs to her table top and bring the stage back out for her to play with since she will probably be able to pull herself up to a standing position by then.
In the following pictures, Ava started off in the middle of the blanket and rolled/shimmied/rotated her way over to where she is in the last picture and videos. She's already a mess and into everything without being truly mobile. We're in for an adventure when she starts crawling/walking!
Because Ava's so strong and on the brink of crawling, I was able to get some great footage of her brilliant attempts. As you can see, she's almost mobile...not to mention, she really wants those blocks...
Here's Ava sitting up playing with her new Learning Table that we bought her...
She's getting so big. I'm glad she likes the table, both of my kids loved it and still play with it. I love that you can use without the legs. She reminds me so much of Micah when she plays, you'll love how independent she is, enjoy it! We love you all!
1 comment:
She's getting so big. I'm glad she likes the table, both of my kids loved it and still play with it. I love that you can use without the legs. She reminds me so much of Micah when she plays, you'll love how independent she is, enjoy it! We love you all!
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