Monday, April 07, 2008

Ava's 1st Jogging Stroller Experience

At the end of March, we decided to put Ava in the jogging stroller for the first time. We've been meaning to convert her bassinet into her big girl seat, but we haven't done it yet because if we do, she can no longer use the bassinet (both the seat and bassinet use the same frame). She loves to sit up and look around when we go walking, but she ends up getting tired after about 2o minutes and wants to lay down to take a nap or play with her toys. She can sleep in an upright position, but she starts wiggling her body down in the seat and slouches to try to get out. So, our solution is to use the jogging stroller for some of our walks.

Here are some pictures of Matt strapping Ava into the jogging stroller for the first time. We learned from this experiment that we needed to use her snuzzler in the seat, as she was still too small for the it's in the seat now. The snuzzler has been retired since she was about a month old, so it brought back some warm fuzzies to pull it out of Ava's closet and use it once again.

The jogging stroller is nice (although the handle bar is really high for me!), but it's not as maneuverable as her regular stroller. It's a bit of a hassle to make turns, as you have to stop and pivot the jogging stroller on its back wheels to get it to turn. Matt says I'm retarded because that's what it's made to do--go straight. I told him that I don't run straight...and of course, he said that I have problems! Little Miss Ava is a bit spoiled by her regular stroller, so she's still not so keen on having the sun in her eyes (even with the sun canopy, the sun gets in her eyes and we end up pulling the stroller backwards when walking towards the sun). We're working to fix that problem!

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