Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Ava's Favorite Place

(is this not Matt's face or what?)

Ava's favorite place in the whole world is sitting on top of her Daddy's shoulders. Matt started putting her up there about a month or two ago and she has loved it ever since. She just loves having her sprout of hair flap in the breeze. When she is on her Daddy's shoulders, she is nothing but grins, smiles, sweet and happy coos, and giggles.

The only problems with putting Ava up on Matt's shoulders are that his hair ends up being sopping wet due to Ava biting, sucking, and drooling on it and his head ends up hurting from her pulling his hair! We think those are pretty minor side effects of letting Ava have the time of her life.

(...those eyes could cut glass!)

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