Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy

At the end of March we decided to let Ava sit up in her pram when we walk to the park. That way she can look out at the environment around her while still encased in her bassinet full of toys. The only thing that is difficult about this new way of travel is that everyone stops us to see Ava. That means that our walks take longer and she gets tired faster.

Anyhow, here are some pictures of Miss Ava. We laugh because we call her 'Miss Daisy' (from the movie) when she sits like this. I think she thinks she's royalty or something. These first pictures are of Ava in her pram right before we left the house. She was so excited to get to sit up for our walk. I had to put a hat on her though, as it was sunny and I didn't want her to get sunburned. This is the second time she had ever worn a summer hat. It was a bit big on her, so I had to turn up the brim in the front so that she could see...she loved it!

Here's Ava with all her toys...

Welcome to our world of sweet and funny faces...there's never a dull moment in the day...

Finally, we're on our way to the park. I had to tell Ava that frogs catch bugs with their mouths, not cute babies...

So, she opted for a toy instead...

More cute and funny faces...

Ava LOVES the ducks at the park. She wanted to take one home with her one day but her Daddy told her that there was no where to put it in our house. That's when she suggested the bathtub...

Ava had had enough of sitting up...she was ready to lay down, look cute, and play with her toys...

It wasn't long before it was pacifier time...which meant that she was getting sleepy...although, she did manage to keep smiling despite the pacifier in her mouth...

Ava decided it was time for a game of Peek-A-Boo before calling it an afternoon and taking her nap...

1 comment:

Casey Garrison said...

Oh my gosh, she is so stinkin' cute! I'm going to have to get some of those pictures in the full size from you.